
Showing posts from February, 2017

Studying Shading

So in the last post, I had mentioned value scales. I am also learning to use the side of the pencil for shading as well. I may post one more value practice before the portrait series. =).

Value Scale/Gradients 2017.

How I draw a value scale for portrait series:  B GRAPHITE PENCIL:  1.) I draw out 8 squares for my value.  I start at the dark end of the value scale with my B pencil, and start shading. I shade towards the light end. (Shading up and down to make even tones and layering.).  GRADIENTS VALUE:  1.) I shade up and down with my pencil for a gradient effect.  2.) For my HB pencil I start by drawing 8 squares again-an inch apart. 

Value Scale practice coming soon. =) 2/17.

I've been practicing with drawing a lot in which is why I haven't been posting so much. I'm currently starting to work on portrait series-step by step. Right now I am working on a value scale for each of my pencils. That may be posted as the first blog post for the series later tonight or tomorrow. =). -Anna-

Taylor swift pencil portrait 2017.

This took 13 hours to draw. =).