
Showing posts from January, 2016

How I paint skin..

1.) First step I lower the opacity of the line art layer. Note: the portrait favors Robert Pattinson a little bit...but it's quite not him. This is a tutorial how I do my skin.  I "paint the base layer on layer 2 UNDER THE line art.  I fill the hair.  On the line art layer I name the line art, "sculpting layer." and begin "sculpting" The layer is about 30%. opacity.   I fill the iris in and build up the eyes. The reason I am posting these stages-there is a difference at the end.  Building up...  Building up with more layers.. Refining stage.  More refining. I need to define the eyes a little bit. but other than that he's done =).

How I do Line Art Now.. {Robert Pattienson sp?)

I start with a size 4 hard brush and do the initial sketch..  I continue drawing.. with a size 6 brush.  Then I lower the opacity to around 45% or 30% (the layer).  I continue drawing..  Then on another layer I use the pen tool.. Right click and then select brush stroke or something similar to that.  Then finally I colorize it. by pressing command U. and choose the color I want. I may post a video depending.. 

Demi Lovato Digital Portrait Painting.

took at least 4 hours. =) but this is from the sketch post. 

How I sketch or draw a face in photoshop now =)

I start with a circle..somewhat loose? anyways..  I add the eye/eyebrow lines and then the nose.  and a vertical line Next I place the mouth and start a hint of the jaw line after that I place in the eyes, do the hair.  I'm about to "ink" my drawing using the pen tool.. 

Eye digital painting =)


Angelina Jolie's Digital Portrait Painting {Painting Phase}

I didn't take many photos during the painting stage. But I did the base color first, then use a clipping layer. I painted gradations using the color palette in the other post.  NOTE: This isn't a tutorial. Just notes for myself =). 

Angelina Jolie's Digital Portrait painting. {Line art Phase}

Here's the "process" I go for line art and sketching, plus the painting. =) I choose out my colors and do the face shape.  I lower the opacity of the layer to about 55% I draw over it again =) I lower the opacity again (I forget how many layers this is now. But I end up merging all the sketch layers together as I continue drawing.) Then with the pen tool I create the line art. 

Happy New Year!

I've gotten photoshop for Christmas and so excited to use it =).