
I'm back!!! New Youtube Channel!

Hey everyone! I'm back to posting on this blog. A little update: I've been busy drawing Owen and Theo, and all sorts of cartoon characters! Also, I have been busy with a new youtube channel named: "Anna's Drawing Channel." I will try to post updates and things like that on here. I'm so sorry I haven't posted on this blog in the last year or so. I hope everyone is doing well! Check out my link to my youtube channel and subscribe, comment, like and things like that here!  Anna's Drawing Channel on Youtube . Sketchbook Tour March 2019 ^^MY LATEST SKETCHBOOK TOUR AND VIDEO! Thank you for reading this post!!

It's done!!

It's done! Started it last night and just finished it up. woohoo! You can never have too many sparkles and polka dots =). Thinking of doing a reindeer girl one for Christmas. I just realized I hadn't posted since summer, so sorry! =). 

Learning 2017

For this year's goals I've been focusing on manga and learning eyes, hair, and posing. The first pose above was done today, and the second one with the blue and red is what I'm currently working on now. =). 

First comic.

I'm thinking I may start posting a comic every week, but not really sure yet. I'm still learning how to draw comics, and this is my first one done in photoshop.

Instagram!! (Emailanna08).

I'm posting on instagram as Emailanna08! I've already posted two drawings on it. =) I'm not sure how instagram works, but I'm still learning. :D.

just sketching...


Focusing on Manga.

Been focusing on manga this week! =)).